Company Name
Listing Category
Funding Status
Primary Institution (if applicable)
Mass General Hospital
Affiliated Laboratory
MESH Incubator
Founders & Key People
Marc Succi MD, Ali Tavakkoli MD, Rachel Zoll
Intellectual Property Status
Provisional Filed
IP Available for License?
Brief Company Mission
Artemis Medical Technologies was developed by a radiologist and surgeon to improve minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Their platform technologies are currently focused on novel technology to determine, without radiographs, the appropriate location of a nasogastric or feeding tube; faster vascular access via novel device to enable percutaneous access.
Company Tags
Company Name
Listing Category
Funding Status
Primary Institution (if applicable)
Mass General Hospital
Affiliated Laboratory
Analog Brain Imaging Lab/Martinos Center
Founders & Key People
Giorgio Bonmassar PhD, Sam Sadeghian, Herman Millan
Intellectual Property Status
Utility Granted
IP Available for License?
Brief Company Mission
eMRI Systems is an early-stage MGH based neuro-engineering startup, recent awardee of Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant award from National Institutes of Health (NIH) to build the next generation electrodes and acquisition system for concurrent recording of electrophysiological signals during high-field MRI.
Company Tags