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In Progress

Grand Rounds – Clinical Innovation in Trauma: From Inception to Automation to Impact | Bharti Khurana, MD | Aug 17, 2022

Please join us to hear from Bharti Khurana, MD FACR, Founder, Director and Principal Investigator of the Brigham Trauma Imaging Research and Innovation Center (TIRIC) and emergency radiologist. Her innovations focus on automated injury detection from medical images, clinical decision support to detect Intimate Partner Violence, predict geriatric frailty from medical images, and more. She is the recipient of numerous awards including the 2019 MGB Innovation Discovery Award and 2022 ACR Innovation Fund. Her research has been covered by numerous popular media outlets.

Learn More: www.innovationmeshnetwork.org / innovation.massgeneralbrigham.org

Chief Innovation Officer: Chris Coburn
Grand Rounds Director: Marc Succi, MD
